Review: Streets of Net

They have: 13 posts

Joined: Apr 2009

Can you please review the website called "Streets of Net"?

Our website goal is to bring together all websites, forums and blogs in the Streets of Net to create fast, different, funny and useful environment for both building owners (advertisers) and visitors.


They have: 7 posts

Joined: Apr 2009

I have number of initial reactions to share.

1. The purpose of the site is a little unclear on the index page. In fact, reading your request I initially thought the site was for the real estate industry.

2. The grammar and punctuation on the site has a number of errors. It is critical to have someone fluent in English review the site carefully for grammatical, punctuation and spelling errors before you publicize the site.

3. The masthead is cramped, it would benefit from some white space.

4. Since it sounds like you wish to draw customers from all over the world, you might wish to reduce the emphasis on the date and time in the masthead of the site. If the time you show is different that that of a potential customer, they may feel less connected to it.

5. The index page is a little monochromatic. I think it would benefit from some more colour to make it a little livelier.

On the positive side your enthusiasm for your project and clear layout will help people navigate your site and make a purchase.

I hope this is helpful to you. You've taken on a challenging project, I wish you well.

Megan's picture

She has: 11,421 posts

Joined: Jun 1999

scaiferw wrote:
I have number of initial reactions to share.

1. The purpose of the site is a little unclear on the index page. In fact, reading your request I initially thought the site was for the real estate industry.

2. The grammar and punctuation on the site has a number of errors. It is critical to have someone fluent in English review the site carefully for grammatical, punctuation and spelling errors before you publicize the site.

I agree, and #2 is really making #1 worse. You need to find a better way to explain what this is in plain, simple English. Use as few words as possible without sacrificing clarity.

This is a somewhat interesting concept and I think it could become successful in the future if it's managed correctly. Another thing you need to think about is what happens on these streets. Is it just buildings? Can people buy bigger buildings? Could you go into neighbourhoods for different themes?

I also agree with the previous poster about the date and weather at the top. It is certainly not 34 and sunny! (more like 0 and snowing - seriously!).

They have: 13 posts

Joined: Apr 2009

Thanks for your review scaiferw.

Today, the website called KillerStartups reviewed our website.

Review about Streets of Net:

They have: 5 posts

Joined: Apr 2009

I agree with scaiferw's comments. I think your biggest challenge will be making it look "modern" instead of from a video or computer game from the 80s. Maybe make some of the house more stylized to each could have the companies collaborate on their unique look.

But overall, I think it's a great idea, something very original...and I'm sure that a lot of people would be interested in viewing the web through a more familiar way, such as viewing a real map.

I wonder though, will all of the sites need to be paying? It might be challenging to start up that way. Maybe index some of the big names...and have them promote your service to their wide audiences? Good luck with it.

They have: 4 posts

Joined: Apr 2009

I agree with the previous comments and suggestions, so I won't be repeat. I think the idea is very original. Have you patent it.

Not that I could do any better, but I was more expecting streets of more than one house. The houses don't look like businesses. Commerce site are probably the one who will want to advertise on Streets of Net.

Good luck.

He has: 131 posts

Joined: Jun 2008

This is an interesting idea.

I agree with most of the above as well.

I was hoping that the streets would be more than eight houses. When the site gets bigger you will then have lots of streets and some people might not want buildings on higher numbered streets.

I think there should be one town(or many towns each with a cool name) with streets in it that will increase its size dynamically as buildings are purchased.

I feel that you could do a little better in the concept of how the streets are designed. You need more than eight buildings/street.

This is a neat website.

They have: 13 posts

Joined: Apr 2009

There are only 3 available buildings in the second street. I hope to sell these buildings. Then I want to start the 3rd street.

Thanks for your review!

They have: 5 posts

Joined: Apr 2009

I think that everyone brought up some good comments so far. And I think this will be great to watch unfold. It reminds me of a map I saw the other day, showing the relative influence of the most popular sites on the web. It's worth a look:

They have: 13 posts

Joined: Apr 2009

Thanks for your review!

The third street is online.

There are only 6 available buildings in the third street.

They have: 13 posts

Joined: Apr 2009

The third street is sold out. The fourth street is online.

There are only 2 buildings available on the fourth street.

Thanks for your reviews!

n1tr0b's picture

They have: 5 posts

Joined: Apr 2009

Images are putting much bandwidth to a site.... but if you have big bandwidth from your WHP it would much be attractable if you put Flash..


They have: 13 posts

Joined: Apr 2009

Thank you! The 6th Street is online. 1 building sold from the 6th street. There are only 7 buildings available on the 6th street.

Thanks for your reviews again!

They have: 1 posts

Joined: May 2009

The first 3 images, I thought that I could click on them. But I couldn't. It's kind of misleading.

Also it's too much blue on white. If I were to make a change, I'd make the logo to have a different color, so that it stands out, and is brandable.

The "Welcome" I'd say, serves no purpose. Perhaps write something about what this site does, even though it's in point form below you mentioned "Your Website, Forum or blog on virtual street", all the points there still don't speak enough of what this website is about. Add a paragraph copy somewhere, and make it simple arial 12 or 13 px, so visitors know directly this describes your website.

Perhaps make "Purchase a Building" and "contact us" button another color?

The yellow on "STreets of the net" (right side) Looks kinda dirty, the brown outline doesn't really match the yellow (imo)

Perhaps change the Sold Out to SOLD OUT!!!

Hope that helps..!

kanonfire's picture

They have: 9 posts

Joined: May 2009

your site is very interesting...
other than the problem of unclear content and description of
the site. everything else seems fine.

Please follow the suggestions of
scaiferw and Megan ... and you're on your way to success.

They have: 13 posts

Joined: Apr 2009

There is only 1 building available on the 6th street.

Thank you for your reviews!


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