Review my fan site? - I would love some pointers

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Joined: Mar 1999

Welcome Nathan,
Your in the perfect place, this forum is for ANYONE involved in any kind of web project. Others are welcome too but they might get bored Smiling.
I think you've done a fantastic graphic job so far -- your BIG graphic loaded very quickly from here. I think you might rearrange/streamline those great graphics to so they are presented more logically, the links "toca2" were way down there on the bottom and the last ones I tried. The big bar code image looks cool and I'm guessing it will be linked in the future but for now it's just confusing to me -- (I want it to do something and it doesn't)
I think big/nice graphics are wonderful for a site like this, but if they interfere with the logistics of the page -- entry point, and people can't even get in they may cause more harm then good.
(invite a friend whose unfamiliar with your project and watch what they do with their cursors on your page..... may help)
Again, graphics look very nice and "match" the playstation graphics.
I would re-word this:
"Got a question you need to ask?"
You may think it sounds ok talking casually with your friends or playstation users but as an example intended for future clients/employers it's not correct. Also, spell check, spell check spell check!!! (somthing should be something) it's amazing how many spelling errors I see on active web sites (I'm not the best speller myself but they really jump out at me). Spell checkers are available everywhere.
I think your doing great job so far, you have the "artistic edge" that when perfected should lead to of a very successful web design career!

take care,

Carolyn Jones
icq# 5351437

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Your graphics loaded nicely on my computer. However, if you can downsize them a little for quicker loading that couldn't hurt. As for everything else it was a pretty nice site. Although, it did take me a few blind clicks to figure out which graphic would take me to another page, lower lefthand corner graphic. Maybe, put some text above them saying "click here".

Isn't it time you started making money with your site! free traffic, affiliate programs, hosting, & domain names.
My Site got hacked, but i'm coming back?

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I think the site is a bit TOO graphic intensive and you should try and learn how to use coloured tables to replace the use of large graphics.
Other than that it is a good site.

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I enjoyed the site. I thought the graphics could be smaller visually so that there would be no scrolling on the entry page. I would also use the border attribute on the frames page to get rid of the line between the frames. Use a HR on the top frame to achieve the look and remain consistant. Also a shorter graphic at the top of the framed page would allow more room on the bottom frame which holds all your information.

Also as an aside I would be interested in what gave you the impression that this is a commercial site forum.

My goal in life is found in Phillipians 4:8-9

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Hi, I am totally new here. This forum seems to be for commercial sites but I would love it if you could critique my site. My aim is to be working in this area one day and I think it would be good for me if I could have some things that I am doing wrong pointed out to me now while I am still learning HTML.

The site is just a fan site and only the TOCA 2 link works at the moment but my plan is for it to be a demonstration of my skills, in about a year or so. I have only
been learning HTML for a few months in my spare time. Any critique would be much appreciated.
Here is the url.


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Joined: Sep 1999

Sorry for the late reply.

Thanks to all for the feedback. It has been very helpful.

That bar-code is going to be animated in the future or slide to the side to reveal instructions if the animation proves to large.

The spell check is good advice. I went back through the site and found that I had even spelt my own name wrong on one page!.

That big white line across the page in netscape is a mystery to me. It's not there in I.E.. I have tried all I know to rid my site of it, I don't think it's part of the frame boarder. Any suggestions as to what it might be?

As to what gave me the impression that this was a commercial forum... Erm.., I don't really know. I read allot of topics before posting and they were all about commercial sites. I guess I had just assumed.

Thank you,


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Joined: Jan 1970

Nathan, Change the following tag on your TOCA2.htm page

<frameset ROWS="150,*" framespacing="0" frameborder="0" border="0">

Using the Rows="150" instead of percent will allow the top frame to remain the same size (the size of your nav bar) regardless of browser size.

Hope this helps

My goal in life is found in Phillipians 4:8-9

They have: 18 posts

Joined: Sep 1999

Thank you very much jim. That got rid of the big white line Smiling

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