Please Review - and need some job advice

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Joined: May 1999


Im about finished with, so if you could please check it out and leave any suggestions or comments I would appreciate them. And just to clear this up The customer demanded the baby on the front page Smiling

Now on to the needed advice.

This is about my 5th website I have done for peanuts, Im a college student trying to pay for food and rent by doing web design out of but I can't seem to land a client that can afford a reasonable payment. I am getting now around 5-7 dollars an hour to do web design from these jobs, and I know that is below rock bottom. Does anyone have any advice on where I could go or what I can do to get a normal client? I could really use the help.


Digi-Core Web Design

Brooke's picture

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Joined: Feb 1999

Hi Peddler,

You have some wonderful talents and I am impressed with the cleaness, and elegance of the sites you have designed. Be proud of what you are capable of and stick to your guns. If you portray you and your business as worth it - then people will pay. I know it seems hard because you don't want to turn people away - but remember that it's not just what you are capable of that they are paying for - it's also your time. And working for so little - is it a waste of your time?

And remember that just because you did a lot for little for one client, does not mean you have to give the next client the same deal.

And remember that you are very good at what you do!


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I like the site also. The baby picture could go, but if thats what the client wants, then you'll have to leave it. The picture is also a little fuzzy, if you could clean it up it would look better. For the contact us, you might want to make a form, not just a link to an email address.

FireBurn Web Publishing -
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It is ironic that Money Company is only willing to pay such low rates Smiling

- I think you use JPG's when you should use GIF's.

The Webmaster Promotion and Resource Center.

They have: 11 posts

Joined: May 1999

Thanks for the advice....I guess now that I have somewhat of a portfolio I should try to demand more money for my jobs, hopefully I can land one soon.

As for the jpgs/gifs...Which should I use for the small animated link buttons?

Digi-Core Web Design

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