Critique my Directory Please

They have: 34 posts

Joined: May 2006

hi everyone, could you please give me some tips or suggestions on how I could improve my Directory? It is and it is human edited directory of quality sites. Anyway, no need to mention that I need more content because that will be growing naturally over time with more submissions and so on, but specifically could you tell me how I might improve the overall look and visual appeal of the site? i would be most appreciative. Thanks in adavnce!

Megan's picture

She has: 11,421 posts

Joined: Jun 1999

The look definitely needs to be more interesting and up-to-date. You really need to work on a proper logo and colour scheme. There is no "look and feel" here at all. There are a lot of different ways you could go with this - you could use more colour or less, you could make it look "web 2.0" or more traditional. I think the "web 2.0" look might be a good way to go with this. Then you could think of ways to allow more visitor particiaption, such as allowing them to vote links up or down for example.

Here are some links that might help if you decide to go that route:

The way you have things right now the site seems very old fashioned and traditional. Human edited rather than audience contributed. Trustworthy, and not interactive. You could also go in that direction and cater to more of an anti-web 2.0 crowd. This is the sort of look you could go with something like what this site has done:

That site is clean, but still has character. It has a conservative colour scheme but adds life with the rays around the logo. It looks and feels trustworthy.

To be honest, I have a seen *a lot* of human edited directories show up here for critique over the years. There is a lot of competition in this area so in order to succeed you need to have something unique to offer both webmasters and visitors.

Hope that helps,

PopeCuervoLime's picture

He has: 34 posts

Joined: Oct 2006

Not bad, just give it a little more color vitality like Megan said. The font and link colors are good choices. Something similar to my link color.

They have: 60 posts

Joined: Feb 2006

As Megan has already said - needs a bit more colour to give it some 'spark' but on the whole - very easy to navigate and easy to read Wink

They have: 27 posts

Joined: Jan 2007

Right now the only suggestion I would give you is to add some colour. It looks extremely bland and not welcoming. I couldn't be there for more than 5 minutes.

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They have: 34 posts

Joined: May 2006

Wow, thank you! Those are some great tips!

They have: 4 posts

Joined: Jan 2007

Not bad

She has: 29 posts

Joined: Apr 2004

My first thought was, I thought I had click on one of those fake sites. Can you expand on the directory listings and maybe have the resources on another page?


He has: 17 posts

Joined: Jan 2007

The Add URL link did not work in my computer. I use IE 7 internet explorer.

I don't know if you were working on your site at that moment, but I think is very important when we are talking about a Web Directory.


Manuel Toubes
Artesania Galpicos

timjpriebe's picture

He has: 2,667 posts

Joined: Dec 2004

While your design is clean and simple (a good thing), it's also a bit bland (a bad thing). I think that introducing another color or two will go a long way, as will updating the logo. All things that others have mentioned, of course. Smiling

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