Come, take a look ?! -

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OK, I would be delighted if you could do me a favour and take a look over the 10 Tenths Motorsport website @ and let me know if there is anyway which I could improve the site. I am sure there is, so please be brutal!


Craig Antill
10 Tenths Motorsport - your invaluable guide to everything motorsport in Britain!

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Joined: Dec 1998


I don't have much time, so I will make it quick. There are two things that hit me right off the bat.

1. Get rid of the text right above the logo. It has a unprofessional look to it.

2. Make the logo smaller. It takes up to much of the main part of your frontpage.

Thats all I have got time for right now. The rest of the website looks real nice.

Kyle O
Website Lunatic: "The most stuff for your website"

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We don't think Kyle noticed that the picture changes when the screen is refreshed, or how many different pictures there are in rotation. They are good action shots that will appeal to your target audience.

We also disagree with Kyle about the text above the picture. It is true that a designed image that says "Your Guide to everything motorsport in Britain" might look more professional, but the text located there now tells a new visitor what the site is about immediately. For today's give-me-the-jest-of-it-first Internet users, that is very important.

Furthermore, your site was very neat and clean and easy to navigate. The colors chosen are passive and easy on the eyes. The subjects in the menu along the side are broken down into well-related categories. Plus, the index page looked the same in both Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator (not an easy accomplishment now days).

The only minus we found on your site was in search engine readiness. The Titles that are currectly on 10 Tenths are accurate. However, they could be elaborated somewhat to include more of your target keywords. There are no META Tags currently in the pages that we checked. These tags are a major factor in many of the search engines today. Alta Vista, Infoseek, HotBot, MSN, Yahoo! Search, and Northern Lights weigh a site's META Tags heavily when ranking. Even Excite has begun using them to some degree. It is very important to include these specialized tags in your coding.

If you need any help with your site's promotion let us know - [email protected] . We can help you determine what keywords your potential visitors are using and what keywords you will be able to rank well under. We can also help develop your site's META Tags, Title, and special parts of the text where the search engines look. We can also help you get a lot of visitors with banner and email advertising...or help you make money with your site by selling advertising space on your site. Visit us at - .

Overall, we give your site an "A". Oh, and we like the yellow F1 picture the best.

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Not much to add, because I love the look of your site, have you tried to make the;

quote:Your Guide to everything motorsport in Britain

non italisized - might look sharper?
Just a thought...

Kindest Regards, JP Stones
The Webmaster Promotion and Resource Site - Winner of 20+ Awards
The NEXT step in Designing and Promoting your Website

They have: 52 posts

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Thanks to you all for your feedback - I hope to incorporate it into improvements over the coming weeks.

Thanks again

Craig Antill
10 Tenths Motorsport - your invaluable guide to everything motorsport in Britain!

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