alpha-test my site please.. image-host flickr-like

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Joined: Sep 2005

I still have a lot of work ahead of me. Just thinking about creating an API makes me cry.
But as for now I would need some alpha-testers for my site to clear out any bugs that I missed. I just know the input-parameters too well to create any errors (thought I hope that none come up).

So if you can spare 10-15 minutes of your life give a try.

Are there any cool functions that pop in your mind that I could add?


They have: 14 posts

Joined: May 2006

I like the initial feel of your site, although I think that even though you are in Alpha stages of development, a front page explaining the aims of the site and future uses would be advantageous! It's never too early to publish your plan and also show progress as you develop further! From what I understand this is an online photo album for users to upload and organise their pics publically? I have saved your site in my favourites as I have some cracking photos I could upload! I never know where to store them!

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Joined: Sep 2005

thanks.. I just added a little text

if you already want to upload some go ahead and register. the basic functions are all done.

thanks for your post Wink

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Joined: May 2006

You are gonna have one hell of a time competing with flickr, photobucket, webshots, etc. Im not saying give up, im saying that if you wanna compete in this market (which is very hot right now, and very crowded) your site needs to stand out. The best of these sites is Flickr becuase it stands out as being simple, uncluttered, and most importantly it supports all the big Web 2.0 things (ajax, tags, rss, api).
Where Free Feels Better

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Joined: Sep 2005

yes bryanmig that was absolutly clear to me. I personally don't think that the market is that crowded yet in this special part of the image-hosting. As to the "web 2.0" things.. if you would have registered and taken more then the time to view the front-page you would have noted that we do use ajax for: tags, folder-hierarchy, comments, title, etc.
RSS feeds and an API are on the list too.
But thanks for taking the time to post

//EDIT.. here is a link to availible and coming functions:

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Joined: May 2006

Ill admit that I didnt register or take too much time to nav through it all. It is designed better than most sites on this forum. If you are hitting on all the major Web 2.0 points then you will be able to compete. Good luck!
Where Free Feels Better

He has: 12 posts

Joined: Sep 2005

hey.. I didnt mean to downgrade your positive critism at all.. since that is what the forum is about.
let me specify my wishes for critisism a bit more:
what functions could I offer that are not usual in any way
what might be wrong about the user interface

I know, atleast hop to, that my site is not an amateur site at all.. that is why I ask people to take 10-15 minutes of time to look into my site before commenting on it - althought reporting errors that can be sitet at the first glance is much apreacheated.

sorry for any spelling errors in the above text.

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