Are customers really relying on outside third-party groups...

They have: 29 posts

Joined: Feb 2002

Some websites put that they are rated with such and and other third-party companies that rate their e-commerce site for a bunch of different things.. and people should feel more secure purchasing with them.

My site I use Public Eye, that lists customer comments, and lists what I feature etc.

I was wondering are these links and third-party "relations" really necessary?

Are customers really relying on outside third-party groups statements on commerce sites. Like ICRA ratings, etc. is all this extra stuff really needed?

Hungarian Down Comforters,Pillows

They have: 29 posts

Joined: Feb 2002

any opinions? 25 views and not one sole speaks up!? wtf.

Busy's picture

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Joined: May 2001

ok I'll speak, that enough? Laughing out loud

I havent heard of any of the names you mentioned so cant really comment. different countries, different standards I'm thinking.
but like the html writers guide/club whatever it is, they say if you have their icon on your site its better than the rest or at least up to their standards. sad thing is anyone can pay the entrance fee and get the icon, I've seen some really badly designed sites sporting their logo. same kind of thing with the W3C validation icons, its good the site validates, mean it works (i didnt say display equally) but who cares if that logo is there or not, just because you dont ue it doesnt mean i wont shop/look at your site.
so in a round about way i kinda had a go at answering your question, to some it means something, to others it doesnt.
I think as long as its on a secure server most people wouldnt care what groups you belong to.

**stepping off soapbox :)**

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