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Joined: Dec 2012

please tell me query so that form field value insert in both table

They have: 3 posts

Joined: Jan 2013

I have done in my project before like this to insert values in two tables

= mysql_connect('localhost', 'mysql_user', 'mysql_password', 'database');
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `table1` (`description`) values ('kossu')");
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `table2` (`description_id`, `title`) values (" . mysql_insert_id() . "'kossu')"); );

still if you have any query feel free to ask.

Aditi's picture

They have: 15 posts

Joined: Apr 2013

You have to connect with the database and then you can run two individual queries to insert into two tables, even if the data is to transferred from a single form, it does never creates problem.

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