Drupal Views

davecoventry's picture

He has: 112 posts

Joined: Jun 2009

Just another quick question on Views.

I have a number of Users registered and I have additionally captured more details under the Profile Module.

I want to display all Users who live in a certain Town and who might have a certain interest, like football or cycling.

I have 2 textfields, one which the user enters the town and the other where he might enter something like 'football'. I have no idea of what the user is going to type in but, whatever it is, I'd like the View to check the database and if somebody has an interest in 'football' I want all users whose interests are listed as 'football' to be displayed.

For the life of me I can't work out how to do this....

JeevesBond's picture

He has: 3,956 posts

Joined: Jun 2002

Stupid question, but have you tried adding a filter? Is it not possible to filter based on the value of a profile field?

RTFVerterra's picture

He has: 109 posts

Joined: Dec 2008

I agree with JeevesBond, filtering the view will do the magic. Good luck. Smiling

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