Anti-Virus Scan for Web Editor File Upload

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Joined: Jun 2009

I provide my customer's with a web editor to update their website. I'm needing a way to check for viruses when they upload a file. Just like when you upload files in a email system.

Can anyone program that into a web editor or is there already a software out there?

Greg K's picture

He has: 2,145 posts

Joined: Nov 2003

One big consideration in this is the OS the server is running on.

What types of files are you letting them upload? Be sure to prevent them from uploading files with extensions the server executes (.php, .asp, etc depending on your server)


They have: 121 posts

Joined: Dec 2008

Most web editors I know of communicate and POST 'uploaded' files from the javascript client to a script sitting on the web server. It should be trivial to include a couple lines of code that do a system call to an installed AV package on the uploaded file before returning a 'Fail/Success' code to the POST request.


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