An easy solution for streaming a live webcam to Quicktime users..

They have: 3 posts

Joined: May 2008

This might be my first post so hello to all,

If someone could advise me this would be great.
It would have to be solution for windows os users, streaming live to
users with quicktime player.

I am looking for an easy solution for a user to stream their live webcam
and for any user of quicktime player to be able to watch their feed live.
I don't know much about setting up quicktime servers or renting them,
I only know a bit about it from what i've read and it seems if a user is
to stream to multiple users, then the setup would require a qt server
with something like Darwin installed right?

Well, as my idea only requires the cam user to be streaming live to one
user at a time, maybe there's a program for this?

And if i did rent a server to try this out, would i get away with
a cheap hosting plan at the "swamp" plan?

Preferably i'd like a program that could do this from the user's pc
without having a server online.

Could i develop something simple myself with a bit more security?
Because protecting a live streaming url would be important right?

I can't afford to setup and run a live video chat site, i would love to
But for now i am just trying to set up something more simplified.

And i would appreciate any help.

Thanks in advance.

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He has: 3,956 posts

Joined: Jun 2002

You could probably just set something up using FreeDNS, or pointing directly to your home IP address. Get an old PC and make it into a server (don't need much power for something simple). Next forward port 80 on your router/firewall to point to the address of your old PC/server.

Never setup a Quicktime streaming server before, but VLC can probably help you with this.

You'll learn a lot doing it this way. Welcome to the forums! Smiling

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