Domain with Domain Ownership Protection

They have: 48 posts

Joined: Apr 2011

Does anyone know how to find the owner that has a domain with Ownership Protection?
Some one told me that he found something like this because in the time between registration and enabling the protection ownership the details are available and records are being made.

exabee's picture

They have: 115 posts

Joined: May 2011

Never heard of this. Would you mind recall your memory where you heard it and share?

If whois protected domain information still can be found, what is the point of subscribe whois ID protection?

They have: 48 posts

Joined: Apr 2011

Actually I quite solved this problem. The whois was to strong for me ( you can see it if you write to the firm that protects that domain. If the proof is okay, like something as a fraud or you have a trademark over that domain, they will remove the whois ). But I managed to get what I wanted through association.

They have: 59 posts

Joined: Aug 2011

Does anyone know how to find the owner to have a domain with the protection of property?
Someone told me he had found something like this because in the time between registration and allows the protection of property details are available and registrations are being done.

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