High Quality Graphics resource - Does anyone know of a good source for images?

They have: 52 posts

Joined: Jul 1999

I know Corbis.com sells high quality images but you'll have to sell your kidneys to pay them. Is there a another web site that offer similar types of graphics?

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Joined: Nov 1998

I like:

[red]The Next Step in Website Development [/red] - http://www.what-next.com
The Webmaster Promotion and Resource Center

Brian Farkas's picture

They have: 1,015 posts

Joined: Apr 1999

Try: photodisc.com


[red]Hosting prices slashed![/red]

They have: 52 posts

Joined: Jul 1999

heyy! Thanks Brian Wink I didn't know that one. It looks very good.
Anyone else knows any other site?

They have: 2 posts

Joined: Sep 1999

If you need clipart and other cool Web-ready graphics check out http://www.gifart.com. You can even get a CD-ROM with cool graphics on it Wink

Robert Gillen

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