A few free photos to use on your site(s)

He has: 11 posts

Joined: Nov 2006

I decided to see if anyone could use a few of my photos (non-professional) in designing thier websites. Feel free to slice them up as needed! The link is www.afreshpath.com/freeimages/
I just request that if you use them, you provide a link to the main URL (www.afreshpath.com)


Shaun's picture

He has: 52 posts

Joined: Nov 2005

That's some nice photography.

They have: 99 posts

Joined: Feb 2008

I agree some really nice photo's there. I'll keep that bookmarked for the next time I start a site. Will you be updating the site as you take more photo's?

demonhale's picture

He has: 3,278 posts

Joined: May 2005

thanks, might need them in the future....

Scuba Steve's picture

They have: 26 posts

Joined: Jan 2008

Very nice, I dig. A nice diversion from the same old gettyimages crap.

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