Database drivers

They have: 5,633 posts

Joined: Jan 1970

OK i need to use a new/better driver for my database. So give me you use most often................Please Laughing out loud

Mark Hensler's picture

He has: 4,048 posts

Joined: Aug 2000

What database do you need a driver for?
What driver are you currently using?

They have: 5,633 posts

Joined: Jan 1970

Currently useing

var strCon = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" + path;

druagord's picture

He has: 335 posts

Joined: May 2003

try to search something there

They have: 5,633 posts

Joined: Jan 1970

I hate going through MSDN. I figured someone would help. Mad

druagord's picture

He has: 335 posts

Joined: May 2003

well by using unix you won't have to use MSDN anymore Smiling .

3 years ago when i was stilll working on windows MSDN was the only source for such things.

IF , ELSE , WHILE isn't that what life is all about

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