0x80040E14: Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement

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Joined: May 2005

I've created an online form (ASP) which writes into an access 2000 database. I'm getting the following error when trying to save:

"Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E14)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement."

Here is my code:


Set Conn
= Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
DSNtest="DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; "
DSNtest=dsntest & "DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("/SSO/fpdb/sso.mdb")
Conn.Open DSNtest

Function toSQLString(sql)
toSQLString = Replace(sql,"'","''")
end function

SQL = "insert into Users ([FullName],[Pin],[Assettag],[MachineType],[LaptopHomeConnect],[SecPCHomeConnect])" & _
" values ('" & toSQLString(Request("FullName")) & _
"','" & toSQLString(Request("Pin")) & _
"','" & toSQLString(Request("AssetTag")) & _
"','" & toSQLString(Request("MachineType")) & _
"'," & toSQLString(LapHomeConn) & _
"," & toSQLString(SecPCHomeConn) & _
'Response.Write SQL
Conn.execute SQL

conn.Execute "delete from Applications where Pin= '" & toSQLString(request("
Pin")) & "'"
for i= 1 to 5
    if request("UserApplication" & i) <> "" then
Insert Applcations
= "Insert into Applications (Pin, UserApplication)" & _
" values('" & toSQLString(Request("Pin")) & _
"','" & toSQLString(request("UserApplication" & i)) & _
conn.Execute sql


Can you guys please help me with this problme. Much appreciated.

chrishirst's picture

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Joined: Apr 2005

1/ Which line errors out? there are two executes in there

There looks to be some ' (single quotes) missing on the last two variables in the first insert

write out the SQL string and post that


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Line 26 is where the error occurs. The first "Conn.execute SQL".
The last two variables are boolean variables. They don't require single quotes.

Here is the SQL string that might be causing the problem:

SQL = "insert into Users ([FullName],[Pin],[Assettag],[MachineType],[LaptopHomeConnect],[SecPCHomeConnect])" & _
" values ('" & toSQLString(Request("FullName")) & _
"','" & toSQLString(Request("Pin")) & _
"','" & toSQLString(Request("AssetTag")) & _
"','" & toSQLString(Request("MachineType")) & _
"'," & toSQLString(LapHomeConn) & _
"," & toSQLString(SecPCHomeConn) & _

Let me know if this is sufficient. Thanks again for your help.

chrishirst's picture

He has: 379 posts

Joined: Apr 2005

it's the output of the SQL string that will show the error

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Usefull site: http://www.xlinesoft.com/asprunner/docs/error_syntax_error_in_insert_into_statement.htm

I think "Pin" is a reserved word. Try another word in your database.

They have: 3 posts

Joined: May 2005

I have found a workaround to the problem. I changed the boolean fields to text fields. They now work fine. Thanks everyone for your help.

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