Odd menu problem

SearchBliss's picture

He has: 267 posts

Joined: Feb 2005

Odd menu problem. Here is a screen shot with the problem circled:

Half of "NEW POSTS" is cut off with a button pointing to:

demonhale's picture

He has: 3,278 posts

Joined: May 2005

the screen width is the culprit here... when you have smaller width the extra menus at rightmost will move downwards accordingly, but the body of the forum dont... so it hides behind the threads, and the topmost part covers the links above it partially...

Busy's picture

He has: 6,151 posts

Joined: May 2001

We are aware of this, thanks.
I believe a couple of menu buttons will be moved up a row in time.
Sadly 800x600 users aren't a major concern.

demonhale's picture

He has: 3,278 posts

Joined: May 2005

cant percentage margin-top be used for the wrapper of the thread part, so when the menu is pushed down, the thread is pushed down with it, although theres two layers of menu, it is visible for 800x600 users...

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