Re-Invent the WHEEL???

They have: 2 posts

Joined: Feb 2000

I am an old programmer (new to perl) trying to write a couple of perl scripts to do something I hope is simple:

1) One user creates a new selection entry by opening the 'create new entry' page, then filling out an HTML form with two text fields: A Primary Key and a brief Description.
2) The 'upload a new entry' form handler script adds the entry to a persistent file on the server.(there will only be a few entries at any one time, so it should probably be an XML file)
3) There would also be a pair of scripts to remove entries. (one to create the selection page and one to actually remove the entry)
4) Then finally outside web users would access a script that delivers a selection page containing a list box, filled with the current entries by linking to the XML file on the server.
5) Processing of the user's selection will be acomplished with a script I already have that accepts one post field (it replaces a parameter tag value within a response page with the primary key from the selection list)

As I see it the 'choose an entry to remove' form would work exactly like the 'choose an entry to process' form except for the server's reaction.
Any help will be greatly appreciated...

[email protected]
Oh Yeah, Your kung-fu is better than mine...