Need detailed script (asp) for login page

They have: 4 posts

Joined: Sep 2004

Hi everybody,

I am Sudhan, and I need the script in .asp for login page.

1. I wish to give an individual user id and password for each customers i have.
2. I want a login page requesting username, password and sign in button.
3. I also need codings for log out (sign out) option.
4. Once we entered into a customer's page, we must sign out. other wise we couldnot enter to the previous login page. similarly, if we click forword button in IE, we must expire the session of the previous customer (user). Can anyone get my problem?
5. And I wish to know how to allow my customers to attach files and send me the file, that is i wish to make attach option.
6. Pls send me the reply as soon as possible.
