#include in ASP

They have: 3 posts

Joined: Feb 2000

I read in the microsoft documentation that you can
use the #INCLUDE directive to integrate in a pagse
HTML or ASP code from another page.

i tried to use it like that
where header.inc is a file in the same directory.

but it gives no result. when i look to the source
of the page i see : <!- #INCLUDE FILE="HEADER.INC" ->
the content of header.inc has not been integrated
to my file.

can somone help me ?

They have: 76 posts

Joined: Apr 1999



You were missing a couple "-"


They have: 3 posts

Joined: Feb 2000

ok ok
it's right two "-" was needed !

there was a mistake in visual interdev book
Thks for ur help

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