Need help with FTP server

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Joined: Feb 2004

Well I would like to have my own FTP, i tried to do it myself but not too sure on what im doing. I would like to be able to put images and all sorts of stuff so I can upload it to my site, can someone give me a basic rundown of what i need to do, what prog to use, etc. Or send me a link to a good tut. on it?


Mark Hensler's picture

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Are you trying to install an FTP server?
Are you trying to use an FTP client?

What operating system are you dealing with?

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Whats the difference between the client and server, and Im using XP.

Suzanne's picture

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An FTP server is an application on the server that allows someone using an FTP client to access the server.

FTP client is on your personal computer.
FTP server is on your site's server.

mairving's picture

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Read this post by Statica over at PCMech. It throughly covers ftp server.

It sounds like all you need is a ftp client like CuteFTP or WSFTP. You would need a server if you wanted to share files with others.

Mark Irving
I have a mind like a steel trap; it is rusty and illegal in 47 states

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Ok well i have a client FTP, its called bulletproof. Where can i get a server for free?

mairving's picture

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For Windows, War FTP
For 'Nix, ProFTPD

Mark Hensler's picture

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Bulletproof has a client? I thought that was an FTP server for windows.

Oh wow.... they do have a client.

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Well im sort of confused on how to use War FTP, is there a tut. on it somewhere?

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Quote: . I would like to be able to put images and all sorts of stuff so I can upload it to my site,

To upload files to your site, use a FTP Client.

FileZilla is a Free FTP Server+Client.

They have: 13 posts

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also try GuilfFtpD

They have: 5 posts

Joined: Nov 2004

I'm using some free easy ftp server. :thumbsup:
It's Golden ftp server - very very easy.
site: find it there....

Greg K's picture

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Just an update since this post is old, looks like current location of War FTP is now


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