Moving a domain..

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Joined: Dec 1999

I'm moving from one dedicated server to another(changing host). While the DNS records are updated, I was wondering if there is an easy way to redirect all traffic from the old to the new server. I.e
I also would need this to work with subdirectories and files.
Surely there must be someway of doing this right?

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Joined: Feb 2000

I am not clear as to your questions.

Anyway, if you are only transfering to a new Host the DNS records will have to be updated by you or your new Host at InterNIC.

It does not matter who your Host is as long as the Domain name is valid, anyone searching for the particular domain will be automatically directed to the new ip addres(your new Host) but you have to transfer all your files to the new Host allocated space for yor site to work or function.

During the transition period the old ip address(your old Host) will be used untill the new ip address(your new Host) is updated and there is no disruption of any kind so you don't need any redirection at all. Please be aware that you have to allow 2-3 days propagation and migration time for your new ip address to peak to top performance.

[This message has been edited by NSS (edited 10 June 2000).]

[This message has been edited by NSS (edited 10 June 2000).]

They have: 30 posts

Joined: Dec 1999

Since some people will get to the new IP, and some to the old during the DNS update, I needed to redirect users still coming to the old IP to the new.
I found I could easily do this with a .htaccess file.

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