HyperVM is good?

They have: 99 posts

Joined: Mar 2008

Hello there!
Are you familiar with HyperVM control panel?
I'm quite interested in A2hosting.com's VPS servers and they have HyperVM as control panel on their VPS servers. Just inserted will it be easy to manage VPS through HVM and how do you think web host is good in VPS?

They have: 139 posts

Joined: Feb 2007

I think that it is not so important which control panel is used, more important how quality and reliable service is, how you are protected with this or that. I think that better consider VPS in this way. I would recommend you to cover as much as possible offers and if you would like to consider them through the statements I mentored above.
I can add to your list zipservers.com
. They do take care about quality and your protection.
Good luck in your search

akopayan's picture

They have: 106 posts

Joined: Nov 2006

All control panels are nearly the same, just different interfaces.

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