How to create a user with root privileges via command line

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Joined: Dec 2008

Hi, I am not a Linux user. This task is simple to accomplish in Windows but I am totally blind on how to do it in Linux. I need to create a super-user, user with equal privileges as the root, its only limitation is it can be deleted by the root while root as I understand it cannot be deleted.

I have the following:
useradd verterra

I just added a user named verterra if I am not mistaken. How to assign verterra the same privileges as the root?

They have: 121 posts

Joined: Dec 2008

I'm not aware of a way of 'granting' a user the same privileges as root.
I've done one (or more) of the following:

1) Grant the user the ability to 'su' (Substitute user) into root. This, in effect, allows the user to 'become' root. In BSD, the user needs to belong to the group 'wheel' to enable this.

2) Use 'sudo'. Sudo is an application that enables you to map 'allowed' commands a user is allowed to execute as 'root' (Or another user for that matter). So, I have someone that looks after apache on one of the servers. I map the user access to the /www/bin/apachectl on sudo, so they may start/stop/restart the web server...

This is all BSD experience - I assume Linux has the same, or similar.


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