Ascii VS Binary

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Joined: Jan 1970

I use WS_FTP to upload files. What is the difference b/w ascii & binary? When should I use each type? Will my files be different in any way if I alternate b/w both types?


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Joined: Jan 1970

hi lloyd!
you should transfer all text-files or code in ASCII-mode, e.g. PERL-scripts, txt-files. And all binary-files (as the name says) transfer in binary-mode, e.g. images, zip-files, programs and so on. HTML can be transfered in both modes.
If you transfer a file in the wrong mode, it will be corrupted, images are either not displayed or broken and perl-scripts simply won't run
WS_FTP includes an auto-function to choose the correct upload-modes btw.

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Joined: Dec 1999

Well said

Casey Hansen
"Computer geeks with attuitude"

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Joined: Jan 1970

Thanks again Patrick, WS_FTP should add that to their program.

I have also used Absolute FTP ( ) and had a mysterious problem with it. I entered all ftp info correctly (exact same as used in WS_FTP) and I was given a "Connection Refused" message. What did I do wrong?


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Joined: Jan 1970

You may have mis-typed your password. I'm always doing that

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Joined: Jan 1970

maybe you checked the 'secure-connection'-checkbox? or some other mistakes, but it's very hard to say from here. just give it another try

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