CSS & Images

They have: 51 posts

Joined: Dec 2002

having a bit of a prob with CSS and images being positioned correctly.

When the page loads sometimes the images I am using z-index to position are not displaying where they should. It doesn't seem to be related to any browser or version and happens randomly. I *think* it might be something to do with in what order the browser loads the page and how fast the html is being downloaded.

By closing their browsers or just refreshing a few times the problem is fixed.

On pic1.jpg 've drawn the table borders in red and circled the misplaced images in green and circled the three images again on pic2.

The Problem:

How it should look:

I've been unable to get someone to send me the html from when the images are misplaced but 've copy/pasted the source from a single grid that works fine so you can see how 'm doing it.
