Knowing when someone has been online

Megan's picture

She has: 11,421 posts

Joined: Jun 1999

Does anyone know of any kind of a program or utility that will let you know the last time someone was online? Sort of like an IM program alerts you when they do come online - does anything like that show you the last date they were on?

mairving's picture

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Plus if unless they are on dialup, they are always online. Even it were possible, there would be the privacy issue.

Renegade's picture

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Yes, there is a virus that has the ability to do that, would you like it? Sticking out tongue

taff's picture

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Depends on who the someone is. If you open an IM session with a person and never close your end, it would record the on-off history of that user.. or at least of that user's IM program


Megan's picture

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I guess I should have stated the actual reason for this - my mom is worried about my sister and wants to know when she has been online just to make sure she's still alive. When she's worried about me she just shows up here and checks my last post date. So that's the sort of thing I'm talking about.

I didn't think it was likely, but I told her I'd ask around anyway.


They have: 27 posts

Joined: Jun 2003

Yes there is a program avalible but it only tells you the last date and time seen. It has the ability to chat in 5 mediums: AIM, Yahoo, ICQ, IRC, and MSNIM. You can find it here.

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Renegade's picture

He has: 3,022 posts

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can find it where?

taff's picture

They have: 956 posts

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He is likely referring to Trillian which is what I use...

They have: 27 posts

Joined: Jun 2003

Yes I am. forgot to link it

Megan's picture

She has: 11,421 posts

Joined: Jun 1999

Alright, thanks. I'll check that out.

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