FTP problems

They have: 9 posts

Joined: Sep 2014

For something like a year now I have been having troubles using ftp. I have tried using different programs and the same problem continued. I have contacted godaddy and they said that everything was working fine. Now I contacted my internet provider and have spent another wasted hour with them and they claim there are no blocks on my router. I have checked my firewall and the programs are not being blocked.

Yet, I cannot transfer files again, meaning it has been working on and off for like a year. I am connecting (or appearing to be connected) to my website but when I transfer the file (and it says it was a successful transfer!) there are no edit changes showing up!

I am so frustrated. I don't understand what the problem is. Does this sound familiar to anyone?

They have: 9 posts

Joined: Sep 2014

Never mind. Problem fixed.

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