exclude directories in recursive grep without -exclude-dir

Megan's picture

She has: 11,421 posts

Joined: Jun 1999

I'm trying to do a recursive grep on a directory while excluding all the .svn folders. How can I do this? I've read about the -exclude-dirs but I don't seem to have that available on my system.


Megan's picture

She has: 11,421 posts

Joined: Jun 1999

This works:

grep -iR "string" * | grep -v ".svn"

Megan's picture

She has: 11,421 posts

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What if I want to exclude more than one directory? Say, .svn and log?

Abhishek Reddy's picture

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Joined: Jul 2001

Try ack. Your two searches would look something like this:

ack -ai "string"
ack -ai --ignore-dir=log "string"

By default, it ignores .svn and other common version-control or backup cruft. Also, it defaults to a recursive search (use -n to prevent that).

Btw, on Debian the program is called ack-grep -- may not be the same on your distro.


Megan's picture

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"command not found" Sad

Abhishek Reddy's picture

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Megan wrote:
"command not found" :(

It's not likely to have been installed by default. Try adding it with your package manager. On Debian or Ubuntu:

$ sudo aptitude install ack-grep
$ ack-grep --help
Usage: ack [OPTION]... PATTERN [FILE]

Search for PATTERN in each source file in the tree from cwd on down.


Megan's picture

She has: 11,421 posts

Joined: Jun 1999

I don't have root access on this server. Maybe I'll have to bug the sys admins to either install this or upgrade grep.

JeevesBond's picture

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How about:
find . -not -path '*/.svn*' | xargs grep -i "string"

ack seems interesting. (offtopic) are you a Debian man now Abhi?

a Padded Cell our articles site!

Abhishek Reddy's picture

He has: 3,348 posts

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JeevesBond wrote:
ack seems interesting. (offtopic) are you a Debian man now Abhi?

I have been using Debian mainly since at least early 2007, maybe even 2006 if memory serves. Smiling

JeevesBond's picture

He has: 3,956 posts

Joined: Jun 2002

Hmmm, that means we've been acquanted for quite a while. You used to use Gentoo, if memory serves. Smiling

That would have been back in 2005/6 we were talking about such things.

a Padded Cell our articles site!

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