I need a Facebook link on my web site

He has: 286 posts

Joined: Mar 2003

I would like to put a facebook link on one of my websites.

If you scroll down this page below, you will see what I mean:

I tried modifying the code a little, and then copy-and-pasting it onto my own site, but that didn't work. Here is the code:

<script>var fbcUnique=true; var bestjobId = "1";</script>
<div class="facebookConnectHeader">Do Systems Engineers have great jobs, or what? </div>

<!---------------------// FB Connect //------------------------------>

#cnnfb_connect {background-color:#f5f5f5;width:auto;height:auto;padding:10px;clear:both;overflow:auto;margin-bottom:23px;margin-right:-12px;max-height:440px;
height: expression( this.scrollHeight > 440 ? "440px" : "auto" ); /* sets max-height for IE */}
<script src="http://static.ak.connect.facebook.com/js/api_lib/v0.4/FeatureLoader.js.php" type="text/javascript"></script>
<div id="cnnfb_connect"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var fbcDiv = document.getElementById('cnnfb_connect');
var fbcUrl = 'http:\/\/money.cnn.com'+location.pathname;
if (fbcUnique==true) {
var fbcXid = 'bestjobs2009_' + bestjobId;
} else {
var fbcXid = 'bestjobs2009_generic';
var fbcTitle = document.title;
var fbcNumposts = 4;
fbcDiv.innerHTML = '<fb:comments numposts="'+fbcNumposts+'" candelete="true" canpost="true" url="'+fbcUrl+'" title="'+fbcTitle+'" xid="'+fbcXid+'" quiet="true"></fb:comments>';
FB.init("64b385429f05b2492d713f343d05ba02", "/.element/ssi/fbconnect/1.0/xd_receiver.html");
<!---------------------// FB Connect //------------------------------>

...Thanks in advance,


Megan's picture

She has: 11,421 posts

Joined: Jun 1999

Are you trying to embed the comments like they did or just link to your FB page? (and is it a page or a profile??). If you have a page you can easily export a little link box - poke around in the settings to find that widget.

For more advanced uses, try looking at their Facebook connect documentation:


He has: 286 posts

Joined: Mar 2003

Thanks, Megan!

- Roy

They have: 11 posts

Joined: Jul 2009

Thanks megan for sharing this kind of information. This is the first time I saw how you can integrate facebook to my sites.

{links removed}

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