compare two images

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Joined: May 2010

How to compare two images in php that means how many percentage match with two image???

DarkLight's picture

He has: 287 posts

Joined: Oct 2007

What are you wanting to compare about the two images? Their filesize? Their dimensions?

Please give us a more descriptive question.

They have: 2 posts

Joined: May 2010

ex.1- Face recognizance use in laptop and pc,
ex.2--if I uploaded a my photo in 10 years ago, so I want to upload my photo current time, so how much % matched my current photo with 10 years ago photo

They have: 9 posts

Joined: Jun 2010

I remember there used to be a firefox plug-in for that. Are you talking about dimensions? Colors?

They have: 8 posts

Joined: Oct 2010

please be more specific in your queries, whether you are talking about the dimensions (length, breadth, pixels, percentage) or regarding matching of same images taken at different time.

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