How to define Custom variable in httpd.conf of Apache Http Server ?

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Joined: Dec 2008

Hi All ,

I need to write 14-15 rewrite rules in httpd.conf, in which i want to redirect some specific url patterns to other domain.

For Ex.
RewriteRule ^/url-id$

But i want to write it in generic way so that i can change domain to any
For that i need to change all 14-15 rewrite rules. So is there any way to define custom variable in httpd.conf file so that i can assign destination host & can use it in rewrite rule like in following .

ContentServer =
RewriteRule ^/url-id$ ${ContentServer}/de/url-id

So user can only change ContentServer property & it will reflect in all rewrite rule.

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Try this:

SetEnv ContentServer ""

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Joined: Dec 2010

No, IMO SetEnv won't do. All SetEnv does is define an environment variable for export into child processes. But that variable you've defined is not available to the httpd.conf script in which it was created. Only those environment variables passed at the birth of that process are available.
- So unfortunately you need to already have that env-var defined when httpd fork-execs, if you want to use it in httpd.conf

- So, one again, the q is:
- how do you define a variable in your httpd.conf script that you can use further down in the same httpd.conf script?

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