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hey guys,

i have created a website now the problem is this which sitemap will be best for my website?
my friends says :- HTML is search engine friendly so HTML is best but i have heard from many guys that XML is always best.

so please suggest me about this confusion.

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Joined: Dec 2011

HTML is for the users while XML is for Search Engine bot.Having both of them is good for your website.If you want to make your website user friendly and search engine friendly than you must have bth of them.

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XML is used for designed to store data while HTML is designed to display data. XML focus on only what data is and HTML focus on how data looks. The XML Sitemap is designed for search engines and HTML is for humans.

eSparkinfo is usa web design company

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XML is mainly for exchanging data between machines. HTML is mainly for formatting text to display in a web browser.

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