animatated gif's and onmouseover - help! what am i missing here? (Posted by brusselsprouts)

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Joined: Sep 1999

How does one effectively combine an image rollover script with animated gif's without using arrays? I have been experimenting with using animated gifs and am attempting to combine a basic javascript with onmouseover/onmouseout to change a particular gif to an animated gif, but the animated gif does not reload with the rollover (it sticks on the last frame after the page is finished loading).
Am I missing something important? Beyond making the image an infinite loop or using arrays in the javascript to animate, is there anything I can do?

An example :
Essentially, this is what I am trying to accomplish.


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Joined: Apr 1999

I'm afraid no. Well, maybe there is a very comlicated way. I saw a script @ which extracts frames from an animated gif. You might be able to dynamically extract frames from the animated gifs and load them into your array. But as far as I know nobody has ever done this before. Post here if you succeed.



Malte Ubl - [red]Germany[/red] -
[red]The beats of 1000 hearts inside...[/red]

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Hi, here is the code you put at the top of the page
function change(ObjectName, ChangeTo)
document[ObjectName].src = eval(ObjectName + ChangeTo + ".src");

imageon = new Image(15,100); <- size of image
imageon.src = "img/nav-image-on.gif";
imageoff = new Image(15,100);
imageoff.src = "img/nav-image-off.gif";

here is the scriptet to call the image:

<a href="index.html" onMouseOver="change('image', 'on')" onMouseOut="change('image', 'off')" target="index"><img name="image" src="img/nav-image-off.gif" width=100 height=15 border=0>

I hope this helps..

SONICdesigns - Professional Online/Offline Design

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Hi, will actually there is a way, I've done it before, but unfortunately i have foregotten how to do it, i will post back later today with the script..
Hope this will help you..

SONICdesigns - Professional Online/Offline Design

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Joined: Sep 1999

Hmm.. That is pretty much the script I am using.

I am using a similar script to the person who seemingly got it to work. (Why does it work for him? Do you see it working?

I think I will give up and use an array.

Thanks though, everyone.

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