Mysql syntax problem

They have: 53 posts

Joined: Oct 2005

Hi everybody and Happy New Year!
I have been dealing with this problem of my biology class lesson since yesterday,
I believe it's some silly mistake I am making.
I have these tables:

protein_id[FK] reference_id[FK]
1 1
1 2
1 4
2 3
2 6
3 5
3 7
reference_id datab_id[FK] code
1 1 AAAA
2 2 BBBB
3 2 CCCC
4 3 DDDD
5 1 EEEE
6 3 FFFF
7 1 GGGG
1 Yale
2 Oxford
3 Cambridge

If the user gives me code AAAA as input,
I want to write an SQL statement that will retrieve all the other codes from table3
and all from table4 that belong to the same protein,
that is: BBBB[+Oxford], DDDD[+Cambridge].

I hope it is not confusing..
The course that SQL must follow is:
STEP1: Code AAAA is given from user
STEP2: go to table2 and see(using reference_id) that protein_id#1 has also reference_id#2 +reference_id#4
STEP3: go to table3 and see which datab_id are placed in codes BBBB + DDDD
STEP4: go to table4 and see (using that the reffering databases are those of Oxford(datab_id#2)
and Cambridge(datab_id#3)
STEP5: print => BBBB[Oxford]

Any help?

chrishirst's picture

He has: 379 posts

Joined: Apr 2005

which version of MySQL?

before ver 4.1 will need to use JOINs 4.1+ will be able to use sub-queries

what code have you got up to now ?

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