Looking for DB diagramming tool

timjpriebe's picture

He has: 2,667 posts

Joined: Dec 2004

I'm looking for a tool that's specifically for diagramming databases. I'm wanting to be able to group tables that are related, create a diagram print-out, diagram relationships (of course), etc.

Does anyone know of such a tool?

chrishirst's picture

He has: 379 posts

Joined: Apr 2005

M$ Visio has various diagramming tools or you could use SmartDraw for the 30 day trial.

timjpriebe's picture

He has: 2,667 posts

Joined: Dec 2004

I completely forgot about Visio. Thanks, Chris.

They have: 7 posts

Joined: May 2005

You could go freeware with http://www.fabforce.net/dbdesigner4/

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Joined: Jul 2005

SELECT offer a number of tools such as SSADP Pro and Yourdon. These have features that support Entity Relationship diagrams (ERDS) etc. I dont know if its still around tho. The versions i was using were v4 and i think thats quite old from the look of the interface.

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