JOOMLA cutomization

devisrimari's picture

They have: 41 posts

Joined: Sep 2011

could you pls any one help me out how to create a joomla 1.5 component that will retrieve the data from the database?


devisrimari's picture

They have: 41 posts

Joined: Sep 2011

thanks for the suggestions, but i need a component that retrieve data from the database.

They have: 10 posts

Joined: Aug 2011

Creating components for Joomla 1.5! is much more complicated than doing so for version 1.0 because you need to write lot of code for controllers, models, views, tables and templates for the view.

He has: 39 posts

Joined: Jan 2012

Fro more you can go to Google. It gives you the best solution.

They have: 10 posts

Joined: Mar 2012

class helloScreens
function helloworld()
{ echo JText::_('helloworld'); }

function helloagain()
{ echo JText::_('helloagain'); }

function hellotestfoo()
{ echo JText::_('hellotestfoo'); }

function hellodefault()
{ echo JText::_('hellodefault'); }
All these methods will become stand-alone views. \views\helloworld\view.php
class HelloWorldComponentView extends JView

function display()
echo JText::_('helloworld');

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