Can it be done?

He has: 183 posts

Joined: Nov 2003

Following from the post .

I can now let my users view their own images in their own folders, even if someone else has the same folder name, (ASP, Access).

But... I now want any body (No login needed) to search for an image by decription, title and IDnumber of the image. (Which i can do), how ever, what i can't do is only show the images which are in a colum called "SharedGroup" this is the titles of the folders which any one can view. But i dont want everyone viewing picture in the folders under the colum under "Personal Foders".

This is what i have so far for the result page:

Dim SearchVideos__MMColParam
SearchVideos__MMColParam = "ID"
If (Request("MM_EmptyValue") <> "") Then
  SearchVideos__MMColParam = Request("MM_EmptyValue")
End If
Dim SearchVideos
Dim SearchVideos_numRows

Set SearchVideos = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
SearchVideos.ActiveConnection = MM_SchoolDatabase03_STRING
SearchVideos.Source = "SELECT *  FROM Clipart_images  WHERE ID LIKE '%" + Replace(SearchVideos__MMColParam, "'", "''") + "%' AND ImageTitle AND Decriptionofimage AND SharedGroup  ORDER BY ImageTitle, Decriptionofimage"
SearchVideos.CursorType = 0
SearchVideos.CursorLocation = 2
SearchVideos.LockType = 1

SearchVideos_numRows = 0

I hope this make sense? So all i want to do it let anyone search for an image (ID Decription, Title of image) and it will show only images which have been shared using the "SharedGroup". If they dont want to share their image the field will say either "DO NOT SHARE" or "Select a group" or Blank (Empty).
