TortoiseSVN and Subversion Repositories

decibel.places's picture

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I posted at the end of this thread, but I think this is really a new topic.

I want to set up Subversion repositories primarily for development of Drupal sites, using the TortoiseSVN client.

I have installed Subversion on my shared hosting server at BlueHost - a whole other adventure and exercise in fixing bad code -

I can connect to the repository directory with the Tortoise repobrowser

I right-click on the directory I want to Import to the repository using the same url and it does not connect

URL: svn://[email protected]/home2/username/repos/project_name/

(with actual username)

and I get: Error: Can't connect to host '': A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.

I set up a SFTP/SSH in Filezilla for the server and I see the Subversion directories and the ~repos and project_name directories... and I can upload the project folder ("babu57") to the project_name directory

So I got 2 questions:

1. How do I upload/import directories and files from my machine to the repository with TortoiseSVN?

2. How do I set up a repository to also be a live website?
Something like: svn://[email protected]/home2/username/public_html/project_name/ ? instead of the repos directory?

I set up a SFTP/SSH in Filezilla for the server and I see the Subversion directories and the ~repos and project_name directories... I uploaded the "babu57" folder inside the project_name directory...

decibel.places's picture

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I have created a new repository within public_html:

svn://[email protected]/home2/username/public_html/repository/

so can I point a subdomain (or domain) to the "repository" directory? or a subdirectory within "repository" and use TortoiseSVN to manage the files?

decibel.places's picture

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I created a subdirectory in public_html/repository named "babu57" and used Filezilla SFTP to upload the files to it

Then I created a folder "babu57" in xampplite/htdocs and I tried to checkout the repository directory - but I got the same error about unable to connect

I'm reading the Tortoise manual, but it's got all that stuff about locking and merging files and stuff....

pr0gr4mm3r's picture

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I'm surprised you can make and install software on a shared hosting account. Are you sure it's not a VPS?

1. How do I upload/import directories and files from my machine to the repository with TortoiseSVN?

TortoiseSVN has a decent help section to find direct answers. It would be easier than explaining it here. Smiling

2. How do I set up a repository to also be a live website?
Something like: svn://[email protected]/home2/username/public_html/project_name/ ? instead of the repos directory? don't want the actual repository hosted at your website's location. The actual repository directory contains a bunch of data that will not look like your actual files. This is because it stores all the versions of your repository. Every time you run a commit, it increments the version. You can go back to any version you want by running a special checkout command.

When having a website stored in a repository is required, simply ssh to the location of your web directory and run a checkout. So ssh to, cd to the public_html directory (or wherever), and run the svn command to checkout the files.

On a side note...I'm not sure why you need the full path to the repository on your server. You should just have to go to svn:// and not include the full filesystem path.

decibel.places's picture

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Well, I queried all my hosting cos and BlueHost (which happens to be my main host) told me "some customers have installed Subversion but we don't officially support it"

A Google search yielded these results:

First I had to email a scan of my driver's license to BlueHost to enable SSH

Then I installed PuTTY

I finally installed Subversion after fixing a typo in the SSH commands (which has already been corrected, thanks Joe!)

So I have successfully created repositories with SSH in PuTTY and Subversion - but I am unable to Import any directory trees in SSH or with TortoiseSVN

Help please! I have read the docs for Subversion and Tortoise, I think I am setting the keys wrong, and now I am totally confused!

(I have replaced my actual username with "username" for security)

My host cp software created SSH keys when I enabled SSH, and I checked that the .ssh dir has 700 permission - and authorized_keys has 600 permission

I have four files in .ssh and also a "putty" directory which is empty

The files are:


authorized_keys and authorized_keys2 and are identical, the public key(s) (now the one I created with ssh-keygen -t dsa is appended to authorized_keys) is the private key

I read about appending the public key to the end of the private key, but not even sure which files to mess with - should I copy the contents of authorized_keys to the end of (the private key file)? Ok, now I copied the two public keys from authorized_keys to the end of (private key generated by host) - still no good

Should I delete all of these keys and start over?

I have no problem connecting with PuTTY (with my username and password) - and I tested a svn help command and it works

I am using Linux/Apache

I created a repository

svnadmin create /home2/username/public_html/antrepo

I tried to import a directory tree from c:/xampplite/htdocs/babu57 and had problems, kept saying /xampplite/htdocs/babu57 could not be found :

svn import /xampplite/htdocs/babu57 file:///home2/username/public_html/antrepo/babu57 -m "initial import"

so I copied the babu57 dir tree to the root c:/babu57

svn import babu57 file:///home2/username/public_html/antrepo/babu57 -m "initial import"

returns only:

Committed revision 1.

but I don't see any files being imported and

svn list file:///home2/username/public_html/antrepo/babu57

lists nothing

ls /home2/username/public_html/antrepo/

lists the repository files & dirs: README.txt conf db etc.


trying to use TortoiseSVN Import

I don't connect and get the error:

Command: Import C:\xampplite\htdocs\babu57 to svn://[email protected]/home2/username/public_html/antrepo
Error: Can't connect to host '': A connection attempt failed because
Error: the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or
Error: established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.


Command: Import C:\babu57 to svn://[email protected]/home2/username/public_html/antrepo
Error: Can't connect to host '': A connection attempt failed because
Error: the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or
Error: established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.

I tried creating a new key pair with the formula at

BTW - this formula was flawed:

This line gave me a problem - file not found:

cat >>.ssh/authorized_keys

The previous command

ssh-keygen -t dsa

creates the key in the .ssh directory (with the defaults) so

mkdir .ssh # if it's not already there

is unnecessary and the next line should be

cat .ssh/ >>.ssh/authorized_keys

or there should be a

cd .ssh command


cat >>authorized_keys

anyway, I looked and the key from was added to authorized_keys

I also used puttygen to create a key pair

now I am totally confused

When I try to Import with TortoiseSVN with svn+ssh

Command: Import C:\babu57 to svn+ssh://[email protected]/home2/username/public_html/antrepo

I get a popup "Couldn't load this key. Couldn't open file" 3 times in a row

How do I sync the keys on the server in .ssh with Tortoise/pageant? - or should I be using PuTTY as the SSH client for Tortoise instead of pageant? (pageant is in the TortoiseCVS folder, TortoiseSVN set it as SSH client by default)

I have read through the Subversion and Tortoise docs but these questions are not exactly addressed with respect to my specific problems.

any idea what I am doing wrong?

I understand all the Subversion concepts, checkouts, commits etc I just can't get the handshake...


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