Shell script Help

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I have tried searching and can't find anything that is on this topic. My provider deletes all logs after one day to conserve space. Here is what I am trying to do:

Make a shell or PHP script that will:

1) Copy a file from one directory to another. It is a log file, so a shell script would work better.

2) Rename the file to include todays date. This is essential because I need to no overwrite it the next day.

3) gzip the file to save space.

I want to save stats for atleast a week so I can go on vacation and still access the raw logs.


Any help would be appreciated. If you can just point me to the right reference, that would even help.

Mark Hensler's picture

He has: 4,048 posts

Joined: Aug 2000

I just wrote this up. I tested it on my system (paths still in the code) and it works fine as long as you only do one file at a time (you can't use *).

filename [source file [destination directory]]


if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then

if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then

day_stamp=`date +%Y_%m_%d`
filename=`echo $source_file | awk -F/ '{print $NF}'`


if [ ! -d $dest_dir ]; then
  mkdir -p $dest_dir

cp $source_file "$dest_dir/$filename"

exit 0;

Mark Hensler
If there is no answer on Google, then there is no question.

They have: 37 posts

Joined: Nov 2002

Make sure your provide allows cron jobs so that you can schedule the task.

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He has: 4,048 posts

Joined: Aug 2000

BTW, the way the script is configured above, it will copy the file(access_log)
FROM: /home/
TO: /home/

You can pass the FROM and TO as arguements to the shell script. And/Or configure the script to use a certain file and path for default values.

CRON is probably the best way to do it (as FunkyJ mentioned). Try to run it just before they prun the file.

Mark Hensler
If there is no answer on Google, then there is no question.

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