remote X server connections

Mark Hensler's picture

He has: 4,048 posts

Joined: Aug 2000

On my last install, I was able to use Cygwin to connect to the X server on my linux box. After I re-installed linux (upgraded), I can no longer connect.

I remember doing something to the linux box to configure (I believe it was) X server to allow remote connections, but I can't find any notes about it. I'm also having a hard time finding anything that works from googling around. I've read several docs that mention Xauth and Xhost and whatnot, but I've not gotting them to work yet.

Anyone else have this setup? Not urgent, but something I would like to get setup.

Mark Hensler
If there is no answer on Google, then there is no question.

Mark Hensler's picture

He has: 4,048 posts

Joined: Aug 2000

w00t! Persistence pays off!

After many long hours of reading and altering configs here and there, I believe these are the only commands that had any relevance. (I'll find out next time I re-install)

Alter /usr/share/config/kdm/kdmrc
Change "Enable=false" under "[Xdmcp]" to "Enable=true"

[root@host root]# service dm status
dm dead but subsys locked
[root@host root]# service dm restart
Stopping display manager:
Starting display manager:                                       [  OK  ]
'Then, I loaded Cyqwin on my XP, and ran:
$ X -query

And I get in!

Mark Hensler
If there is no answer on Google, then there is no question.

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