Flash Action Script

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Joined: Sep 2005

Hello All!

I'm trying to think how simple to make this sound, but with Flash Action Scripts it might get confusing. I have a movie item in Flash. There is a sub movie (movie1) with an "on (press)" that when clicked needs to display a number into another movie (movie 2). There is a text field in this movie (movie 2) where I want it to be displayed. This movie (movie 2) is basicly a button.

The reason I'm using the movies instead of buttons is because a lot of my content is database driven. I haven't had much luck with db and buttons in flash. Anyways on (movie 1) where they click this is my code.

DisplayNumber.NumberText.html = '1';

Now I'm sure I'm way off, yet something similar to this works in another flash file we have. DisplayNumber is (movie 2) with the text field being called NumberText. I just need it to display 1 so I know it works, then I can duplicate the movie because these numbers are dependant on the database field.


[insert funny quote]