Accessible Flash

phlave's picture

He has: 11 posts

Joined: Jan 2007

I am in the position that i just moved jobs from print design back to multimedia which was what I trained for but its been 4 years and Im slowly but surely getting back into my coding - mainly focusing on css and accessibilty and only using flash when clients will have nothing else - but I am having to finish off the previous dudes flash site and I am mainly interested in keeping this client at the top of the google rankings and making it as accessible as i can for flash. I have been asking around and i was given a heads up about UFO ( which i have no idea about and the FlashObject function with :

required content

<script type="text/javascript">
// so that it can be crawled. By this i mean it will be the site content but do i structure a basic html page with default settings for styles e.g. H1 H2 etc... and within this one page have the sites full content with anchor links to each new heading (which in flash would be each new page) and what is the correct way to use the code