Page File Size?

Roo's picture

She has: 840 posts

Joined: Apr 1999

I have 1GB RAM. When setting a custom page file size what should I set the inital size and the maximum size to? (XP Home Edition and this is my system specs)


AndrewP's picture

He has: 28 posts

Joined: Sep 2006

Microsoft suggest that this is set at a minimum of 1.5 times the amount of memory on your computer.

As you have 1024Mb of memory on your machine then you should set this at a minimum of 1536Mb.

The maximum recommended is 3 times the amount of RAM. This would be 3072Mb.

Therefore try starting off at 1536Mb and set it higher if you feel the need to Smiling

Hope this helps

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On the other hand, if you allow the page file to be resized by the system it can cause a lot of hard disk fragmentation. To avoid this, you can set the same value as the minimum and maximum.

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