please review

They have: 5 posts

Joined: Mar 2007

I've just launched a brand new site which is quite original in the idea.

Please review it, i'm open to whatever suggestions come my way.

Megan's picture

She has: 11,421 posts

Joined: Jun 1999

When I first loaded this page I thought it wasn't working properly. It looks like the page didn't finish loading. Some sort of footer needs to be there so people know that they're not missing anything.

Another problem I have here is that it doesn't really say what the site is about. I can sort of guess, but I'm not quite sure. It seems similar to anothr site that was posted not too long ago here - like an online Pop Idol.

On the actual song listing, I wasn't sure what to click on to hear the actual song. FIrst I tried the header (it's underlined, which made me assume it was a link), then I tried the speaker image underneath it but that didn't work either. Finally I realized that the green triangle graphic was the right thing to click on. The word "play" on there is too small to be noticeable. So, get rid of the speakers if they don't do anything and don't underline something that's not a link.

The header graphic and navigation is okay but I think it could use some refinement. Like make sure all your rounded corners are the same size. Things need to be more consistent.

Hope that helps,

They have: 5 posts

Joined: Mar 2007

Thank you for that.

The speakers are an avatar users can choose from.

Do you have a link to the other site posted?

I also will make that not underlined.

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