READ THIS FIRST: Policy and Procedure

Megan's picture

She has: 11,421 posts

Joined: Jun 1999

The Website Critique Area is one of the most popular forums at TWF. As such, we have a few requirements for posting in this forum:

  • Review Other Sites - You are required to review at least three other sites before your own request will be approved. When you post a new thread it will go into a moderation queue. The moderators will check to see if you have met the review requirements before releasing it to the forum. Please see Guidelines for Writing Website Reviews for more information about what we expect.

    This requirement is here to discourage members who request a critique simply as a means of self promotion or a source of free advice. If you would honestly like some help with your site, and are willing to give a little bit back to the community, then this request should not be a problem. Please contact an administrator if you have any concerns.

  • Acceptable Site Content - Sites containing pornography, warez or other illegal material and/or associations with such material will not be reviewed – such threads will not pass the moderation queue. In addition, sites in direct competition with The Webmaster Forums will not be allowed.
  • Site Ownership - You must be the owner or the authorized designer of the website you post for review. If you are neither of these, DO NOT post a review request for the site - you have no legal or ethical right to do so.
  • Subject Line Format- Your subject line should contain your site title ("The Webmaster Forums"), URL (""), or a descriptive title (Webmaster Community for review). The subject line of any thread in this forum not meeting this format will be edited to comply.
  • Clickable Links - Please include an active link to your website, make it easy for people to reach your site to review it. You can do this by simply typing out the full url ( or by using BB code.
  • Posting Frequency - You may only post *ONE* review request for a site every three months. If you make changes to the site after your original request, please continue with your original thread. This helps us to keep all discussion about a certain site in one place. This regulation applies to the site not the member. You may post a new thread for a different site you have created.
  • Law of the Land - All reviews are simply advice. If you receive a review that you feel is harsh, please understand that the individual is trying to help you and did not make the post to offend you.

If you have any questions or comments regarding these guidelines please contact a Moderator or Administrator. If your post does not appear on the forums within 24 hours it is probably because you have not followed the guidelines. Please check the list again and make sure you have followed the rules. In particular, make sure you have posted at least three good quality reviews of other sites. If you feel that you have followed these guidelines, and your post still has not been published, please send me a PM.