please Review

They have: 12 posts

Joined: Sep 2006

Hello Dear Friends.

can you review my site once please ?

maybe if you can tell me little bit about the DESIGN Smile and layouts , ad

placements , etc

The Site URL is :

Thanks in advance. Razz

Thanks to all,



He has: 688 posts

Joined: Feb 2001

Know your audience and design for them. I'm not your audience so take my opinions with a grain of salt.

The "segment headers" are in bright tropical colors of green blue and orange. These colors aren't necessarily bad but the randomness of their layout is distracting and confusing. I might try keeping the segment header colors the same within each column. More importantly, I strongly suggest an alternate color within the content areas below each of these headers. For instance, your welcome message has a bright green bar and then below it is white text over the exact same gray background color as the background of the entire site. Keep the background color in these sections gray but give it a different shade to break it apart from the overall site background.

Good luck.

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