New website just launched (

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I recently launched my t shirt website., and was just wondering what i can improve on, and also see if anything is confusing to the surfer. This is my first website that i have ver designed and i am pretty proud of it so far but i could be completely off because i have never done this before.

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Hi Mike,

Sorry it took me so long to get to reviewing your site. It actually looks okay. I think you've done a decent job with the site. I think you could work on making it a little more appropriate for your target audience (imaybe a black base with some other colour). I also don't get what's up with that city photo in the header, and why a site called "devilthreads" has no sign of a devil or the colour red. The design isn't of the highest quality but I think that could work in your favour - you probably want to come across as a regular guy not some big company or something.

Thje problem with your page here is that there is no text. No text means nothing for the search engines to read. Make sure you put in a plain text blurb describing what the site is about. You'll probably want to start this off with a header (in a H1) tag with a brief headline describing the site (with some good keywords). Then put text descriptions under each t-shirt thumbnail. At least put in what the shirt says. Think about what kind of keywords people would use if they were looking for shirts like this.

Also work on your title tag. This is very important for search engines. FIrstly because it's ain important ranking factor, but also because this is what people see in the actual results. So if your title is attractive to them and tells what the site has to offer then they might be more likely to click. I've read recently that the SE's are starting to consider click through rates from the ranking pages in their ranking algorythm. So if more people click on your link from the SERP's it might actually increase your ranking.

I think it might be a bit of a problem that you're not showing a full shirt - just the design on the front. When you're selling something online I think it's good to provide as much information as possible. In your case that would be photos of an actual shirt, maybe a close-up of the label so they can see what brand it is. On the product pages you could also put in more text describing the shirt and encourage people to buy it.

Good luck!

They have: 34 posts

Joined: Oct 2006

thank you i needed that very much. Its so hard to see what I myself can improve on when i built the thing and it looks perfect to me. But its nice to see what other people think.

About the logo, i want to be a photographer so its not necesarily related but its just s sick picture.

And as to why we chose devilthreads? I dont know the name just popped up and it sounded catchy and stuff. We werent trying to go for the dark and sinister "devil" feeling.

I'll try to work alot this weekend and maybe get a new banner up there and add all that content and good stuff

Thanks for the help, if there is anything else you think could be better just post it

Jeff Funny t shirts for the masses
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