I'd love to hear your opinions -

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Please check out my recipes site at http://www.simpleinternet.com/recipes/ and let me know what you think! I'm always looking to improve it and appreciate any feedback I receive. Thanks,


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Hi Dave,
I will give this site a better review tomorow morning, but I just want to ask why all shockwaves site feel the need to incorperate sounds into the mouseovers, it increases the DT and, though it does undoubtibly improve the experience is it worth the extra wait?
Just a thought. I'll be back.

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Hey Dave,
I really enjoyed your site , it's very well done and nicely designed. Thank you for providing a no plug-in alternative (I looked at both versions).
The only things I would change is the yellow text in the mouse-overs, which isn't readable. The balloon text on your image map is too small, make it a point size or two larger. I'll probably be e-mailing you about the recipe I'm looking for .
take care,

Carolyn Jones

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This for the Shockwave site (sorry I don't have the plugin for the HTML only site )
- Nice clear entry page, I like the loading thing.
- Is the second, framed page a nesecity, could it not be put together without a frameset?
- The navigation column took a while to load, bit I can see why.
- This part looks fairly good though I could not help but notice that the purple balls were not quite identical - why?
- It is slightly tricky sometimes to click on the sub-category links i.e: 'by category'.
- The yellow box that opens up was crooked on screen and some of the gifs were not quite touching leaving white spaces.

I will leave you with that to ponder over. Have a nice day.

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When I run my mouse over your text links (eg. Recipe Listing), the sound plays multiple times as if you are repeatedly running the mouse over the link.

Is it just my computer or has anyone else experienced this?

I especially like you Shockwave Site Map.

[email protected]

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I think there is a deffiniate floor in the links. I experienced this once, along with having trouble clicking in some cases.
Apart from that, it is a fairly good, solid, site.

I was having another look at your site and decided that an easy way to make the buttons fit more into the design would be to replace the black and green with the 'green pattern' and 'blck pattern' you use on your site. That might work...

The Webmaster Promotion and Resource Site
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"deffiniate floor in the links"

-- define, please? thanks,


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"deffiniate floor in the links"
should obviously read 'deffinate'.

What I mean is that on some systems there is multiple sounds on the mouseover and on others there is trouble clicking on the column links.

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