
heebiejeebieclu's picture

They have: 527 posts

Joined: Aug 2004

So, guys - this is it: my first swim without armbands: a template which I've created with code from scratch, images are all my own etc.

I think it can be improved and I'm desperate to know what you guys think as you've been my inspiration over the years!

URL: http://www.heebie.co.uk/elegantia

Thanks very much!

gastongr's picture

He has: 24 posts

Joined: Nov 2003

Looks very good.
The menu in the top is too dark, not much contrast with the header there.
The buttons are too big, in my opinion they would look better smaller and with rounded corners.
See how the welcome message looks with a 1px dashed border Smiling.
And the last thing, i don't like very much the electric blue in the header.

Great design, it's good to see it's a tableless valid XHTML and CSS layout, and very tidy code!.

They have: 7 posts

Joined: Jan 2007

I think you have done a great job on the layout! Not too cluttered and easy to read. Im only new to web design so I look up to anyone that can make their own template from scratch.

I have to agree about the menu being too dark, doesnt quite stand out enough but I like the size of the buttons, easy to see Laughing out loud

mik-crap's picture

He has: 30 posts

Joined: Jan 2007

Have you copied the ideas of simplebit's design by any chance?

PopeCuervoLime's picture

He has: 34 posts

Joined: Oct 2006

I'm assuming this is a personal website?

And are you trying to copy Blogger with the look and feel?

I like your color scheme and your choice of font, very good and the overall design looks nice. Let us know when its done, I'm curious to see what you do here (I like personal sites).

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